The language of 3D printing
And what shape does belong to a 3Dprinter? That was an immediate challenge. What shape language was specific for this machine?
In the year to come, I made several discoveries
Specific for 3Dprinting is building the object in layers. The skin of 3Dprinted objects has a specific appearance. I woulnd’t mind showing that. Maybe even emphasize it.
You can’t just print everything. If an object has a too big overhang (is too oblique) it fails. You have to print extra material, called support structure.
3Dprinting takes a long time. Layer by layer in tenth of millimeters. It would make sense to design something that wouldn’t consume unnecessary print time
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The 3Dprinter I’d bought worked with a flat building platform, so I had to design something that had at least one flat side.
The printer seems ideally suited for printing organic objects. Normally, you need a mould in order to manufacture an organic object. That is not the case here . The printer doesn’t mind if you follow a straight or double-curved line, it will print it.
Also the 3Dprinter is ideal for making unique objects. You will print anything one by one, so why not make little varieties in every object?