Computer as an instrument

Thanks to the 3D printer and the parametric design software Grashopper I was able to not only design things that were inspired by nature but also I was able to realize them

Each morning I made new discoveries, working with Grasshopper, that I , by the way and with a lot of trial and error, had to learn to use.

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The computer would help me find the things I was looking for. I wanted to feel a bit like a cook in the kitchen; mixing ingredients, shaking, stirring, put it in the oven and afterwards taste if this was what I had in mind.

This was as close as possible to the way of working I had in mind. You do not decide everything up front before you start drawing; you describe conditions, and you build it in a way that you can change these values constantly. You write a recipe, and you remain surprised for what comes out. And you can always add a little bit of salt.
